Forestry, Woodlands Forest Resources Management Federal Grants
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1-9 of 9 for Forestry, Woodlands Forest Resources Management federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Forestry, Woodlands Forest Resources Management federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.
Protect and manage non-Federal forest and tree resources from damaging forest insects, disease causing agents, and invasive plants; develop/improve forest health protection technologies; and monitor the health of our nation's forests.
To effectively identify and protect environmentally important forest areas threatened by conversion to nonforest uses, through the use of conservation easements or fee simple purchase. The Forest Legacy Program (FLP) is a voluntary private land...
To promote and enable the long-term active management of non-industrial private and other non-federal forest land to sustain the multiple values and uses that depend on such lands.
To extend fundamental research activities of the Forest Service by awarding grants to nonprofit organizations, institutions of higher education, and organizations engaged in renewable resources research.
The Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance Program implements the natural resource conservation and outdoor recreation mission of the National Park Service in communities across America.
With respect to nonfederal forest and other rural lands to assist in the advancement of forest resources management and conservation; developing genetically improved tree seeds and seedlings; producing and distributing tree seeds and seedlings;...
NIFA requests applications for the McIntire-Stennis (M-S) Cooperative Forestry Research Program for fiscal year (FY) 2024 to assist all states in carrying out a program of state forestry research at state forestry schools and colleges and developing...
With respect to the sustainable management of nonindustrial private forest and other rural lands suitable for sustainable forest management; provide technical and educational assistance; provide cost share for practices such as management plan...
To counter the effects of the declining timber program of the Tongass National Forest.