Fish and Wildlife Fish Conservation Federal Grants

Showing results 1-16 of 16 for Fish and Wildlife Fish Conservation federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Fish and Wildlife Fish Conservation federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Central Valley Project Improvement Act (CVPIA)
To protect, restore, and enhance fish, wildlife, and associated habitats in the Central Valley and Trinity River basins of California; To address impacts of the Central Valley Project on fish, wildlife and associated habitats; To improve the...

Alaska Subsistence Management
To identify and provide information needed to sustain subsistence fisheries and wildlife management on Federal public lands, for rural Alaskans, through a multidisciplinary, collaborative program. Two programs are administered under the Alaska...

Tribal Wildlife Grants
To support the development and implementation of programs for the benefit of wildlife and their habitats and species of Tribal cultural or traditional importance, including species that are not hunted or fished.

Marine Mammal Data Program
Nondiscretionary funding under this authorization provides support to State agencies for the collection and analysis of information on marine mammals that occur in the State's waters and interact with State managed fisheries and other marine...

Multistate Conservation Grant
This program provides funding for sport fish and wildlife restoration projects identified by the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. Recipients awarded under the Traditional Multistate Conservation Funds (T-MSCGP) may use the funds for sport...

Partners for Fish and Wildlife
Deliver Department of the Interior priorities and US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) mission by providing financial and technical assistance to private landowners and Native American Tribes interested in voluntarily working with USFWS to conserve,...

State Wildlife Grants
The primary purpose of the the Competitive State Wildlife Grant (C-SWG) Program is to help State and Territory fish and wildlife agencies design and implement strategic, proactive conservation programs. C-SWG Program funds, pooled with recipient...

Chesapeake Bay Studies
To provide financial assistance for research and development projects that will provide information for the living marine resources of Chesapeake Bay. In addition, assistance is provided for the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Education and Training...

Columbia River Fisheries Development Program
This program uses the facilities and personnel of State and Federal fisheries agencies and Tribal governments in the Pacific Northwest to protect and enhance the salmon and steelhead resources in the Columbia River Basin

Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund
Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund grants provide Federal financial assistance to States and Territories that have entered into a cooperative agreement pursuant to section 6(c) of the Endangered Species Act for species and habitat...

Cooperative Fishery Statistics
To maintain a cooperative State and Federal partnership to provide a continuing source of fisheries dependent statistics to support fishery management in the States' Territorial Sea and the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone.

Fish and Wildlife Management Assistance
The objectives of the Fish and Aquatic Conservation activities conducted under this program are as follows: State and Interstate Aquatic Nuisance Species Management Plans (ANS Plans): To provide funding to States to implement ANS Plans approved by...

Habitat Conservation
To provide grants and cooperative agreements for habitat conservation activities including coastal and marine habitat restoration and protection. Projects are funded to carry out public policy pertaining to protection and restoration of the Nation's...

Challenge Cost Share
Encourage partnerships with nonfederal governments, private individuals and organizations, educational institutions, philanthropic and charitable groups, and businesses to support the mission of the Service. Projects must conserve, protect, and...

Cooperative Institute (Inter-Agency Funded Activities)
To increase the effectiveness of research and develop innovative approaches to education in the environmental sciences by facilitating cooperation between government, university, and nonprofit research institutions.

Great Lakes Human Health Effects Research
To: (1) Build upon and amplify the results from past and on-going research in the Great Lakes basin; (2) develop information, databases and research methodology that will provide long-term benefit to human health effects research in the Great Lakes...


Federal Grants Resources