States may use the funds apportioned to them under Section 10 to: 1.Enhance programs for hunter education, hunter development, and firearm and archery safety. Hunter development programs introduce individuals to and recruit them to take part in hunting, bow hunting, target shooting, or archery. 2. Enhance interstate coordination of hunter education and firearm and archery range programs. 3. Enhance programs for education, safety, or development of bow hunters and archers. 4. Enhance construction and development of firearm and archery ranges. 5. Update safety features of firearm and archery ranges. Section 10 funds supplement, and do not replace Section 4(c) Hunter Education funds, thereby enhancing a State¿s hunter education and safety program. The following are some examples of eligible activities: 1. Training participants in the safe and proficient use of hunting equipment, hunter responsibility, principles of wildlife management, wildlife identification, and firearms handling; 2. Constructing facilities, such as classrooms, shooting ranges, and other support facilities needed for instruction purposes; 3. Gathering information to help develop, implement, and evaluate hunter education and safety grants; 4. Providing training in trapper education as it relates to safety, responsibility, humane trapping methods, and avoidance of nontarget species, and development of trapping skills; and 5.Communicating information about WSFR grant funded hunter education and recreational shooting sports activities