Grants for Fellowship Programs at Independent Research Institutions (FPIRI) support fellowships at institutions devoted to advanced study and research in the humanities. FPIRI-funded fellowships provide scholars with research time and access to resources that might otherwise not be available to them. Fellowship programs may be administered by independent centers for advanced study, libraries, and museums in the United States; American overseas research centers; and American organizations that have expertise in promoting research in foreign countries. Individual scholars must apply directly to the institutions themselves. A list of currently funded institutions is available. In evaluating applications consideration is given to those with library holdings, archives, special collections, and other resources—either on site or nearby—that are available to fellows. FPIRI grants provide funding to programs for humanities fellowships of four to twelve months. Fellowship tenure must be fulltime and continuous. FPIRI-funded fellows must be selected by an external committee. FPIRI grants support fellowship stipends at a rate of $4,200 per month and a portion of the costs of selecting the fellows, up to $9,000. Indirect costs are not allowed in this program.