Environment Quality Federal Grants

Showing results 1-25 of 1,904 for Environment Quality federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Environment Quality federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Low Income Household Water Assistance Program
The objective of the Low Income Household Water Assistance program is to meet unprecedented water services needs that arose during the COVID-19 pandemic. This program is meant to be an emergency program that provides quick intervention to help the...

IAF Assistance for Overseas Programs
The primary objectives of the IAF Assistance for Programs Overseas in Latin America and the Caribbean program is to: (1) Strengthen the bonds of friendship and understanding among the peoples in the Western Hemisphere; (2) Support self-help efforts...

Denali Commission Program
The Denali Commission is a Federal agency designed to provide funding and partner coordination for critical utilities and infrastructure projects throughout Alaska, particularly in distressed and disadvantaged communities.

Southeast Crescent Regional Commission - Economic and Infrastructure Development Grants
The mission of the Commission is to help build sustainable communities and promote economic growth across the Southeast Crescent region, which encompasses some of the highest poverty rates in the United States. The federal-state partnership is...

Environmental Monitoring/Cleanup, Cultural and Resource Mgmt., Emergency Response Research, Outreach, Technical Analysis
Provides technical and financial assistance to the State of Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC) and local government entities for the conduct of projects/activities to support DOE's mission and to provide the public...

Reduce, Reuse, Recycling Education and Outreach Grants
The objective of the grant program is to improve the effectiveness of residential and community recycling programs through public education and outreach.

Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund: National Clean Investment Fund
The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) amends the Clean Air Act to include Section 134 (42 USC 7434), which authorizes the EPA to make competitive grants under the National Clean Investment Fund. The National Clean Investment Fund is currently funded by...

Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund: Section 134(a)(1) - Zero Emission Technologies Grant Program
Section 60103 of Public Law 117-169, 136 Stat. 1818 (August 16, 2022), commonly known as the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA), added Section 134 to the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. 7434, to establish the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF). The...

Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund: Clean Communities Investment Accelerator
The Inflation Reduction Act amends the Clean Air Act to include Section 134 (42 USC 7434), which authorizes the EPA to make competitive grants under the Clean Communities Investment Accelerator. The Clean Communities Investment Accelerator is...

Healthy Environmental Living Program (HELP)
Grants are awarded to support projects that meet two criteria: 1) They must be located in and directly benefit one or more Target Investment Areas and 2) They must achieve measurable environmental and public health results in one or more of the...

Geographic Programs - Chesapeake Bay Program Implementation, Regulatory/Accountability and Monitoring Grants
The EPA's Chesapeake Bay Program (CBP) awards annual grants to states, tribes and local governments that are signatories to the 2014 Chesapeake Bay Watershed Agreement to reduce and prevent pollution and to improve the living resources in the...

Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act Contaminated Land Assistance Agreements
EPA is establishing and implementing a program to assist Alaska tribal entities with addressing contamination on lands conveyed pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) (43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.). Contaminated Lands are those lands...

The overall goal of the CCR Grant program is to provide grants to assist states in the development and implementation of state programs for the control of Coal Combustion Residuals (CCR) established under section 4005 (d) of the Solid Waste Disposal...

Solid Waste Infrastructure for Recycling Infrastructure Grants
The objectives of the Post-Consumer Materials Management Infrastructure Grant Program (also known as the SWIFR Grant Program) as stated in the Save Our Seas 2.0 Act are to: Support improvements to local post-consumer materials management, including...

Drinking Water System Infrastructure Resilience and Sustainability Program – SDWA 1459A(l)
The purpose of this grant program is to increase drinking water system resilience to natural hazards. Grant funding can be used to assist in the planning, design, construction, implementation, operation, or maintenance of a program or project that...

Geographic Programs - South Florida Geographic Initiatives Program
The EPA South Florida Program provides competitive grants to address the immediate and emerging ecological pressures and threats to south Florida waters including fresh waters, estuaries, bays, and coral reef, central to South Floridas economic and...

Support for the Gulf Hypoxia Action Plan
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (Public Law 117-58) which is generally referred to as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), enacted November 15, 2021, provides new grant authority and appropriated $60 million for EPA to issue grants,...

Underground Injection Control Program Grants: Class VI Carbon Sequestration Wells
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (Public Law 117-58, Nov. 15, 2021), also known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), authorized a new Underground Injection Control (UIC) Class VI grant program and appropriated $50 million for the...

Non-State Member Support for the Gulf Hypoxia Action Plan
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (Public Law 117-58) which is generally referred to as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), enacted November 15, 2021, appropriated $60 million for EPA to issue grants, including grants to non-state...

Response to Emergency Situations Affecting Public Water Systems (SDWA 1442b)
To assist in responding to and alleviating emergency situations affecting public water systems. Pursuant to Section 1442(b) of the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA), this assistance program provides grant funding for projects and activities in...

Centers of Excellence for Stormwater Control Infrastructure Technologies Grant Program
To improve the effectiveness, cost efficiency, and protection of public safety and water quality. Pursuant to 33 U.S.C. 1302f(b), stormwater infrastructure technology, this assistance program provides grant funding to establish and maintain Centers...

Innovative Water Technology Grant Program
The purpose of this program is to accelerate the development and deployment of innovative water technologies that address pressing drinking water supply, quality, treatment, or security challenges of public water systems, areas served by private...

Enhanced Aquifer Use and Recharge Program
The purpose of this program is to carry out groundwater research on enhanced aquifer use and recharge in support of sole source aquifers. Funding Priority - Fiscal Year 2023: This program will support groundwater research on enhanced aquifer use and...

Financial Assistance For Community Support Activities To Address Environmental Justice Issues
The objective of this program is to provide financial assistance to eligible entities to support community engagement and capacity building efforts and activities to facilitate the ability of community members, residents, and organizations to...

Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Grantmaking Program (EJ TCGM)
The goals of this program are to make awards for the design and management of a new Environmental Justice (EJ) competitive pass-through program where EPA will competitively select pass-through entities to provide grant funds via subawards to...


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