Educators Federal Grants
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1-25 of 47 for Educators federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Educators federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.
This program will support implementation of the Department of Justice/OJJDP component of a major new program undertaken with the Department of Health and Human Services/SAMHSA, and the Department of Education. This program is part of the...
The objectives of the Skills Training and Health Workforce Development of Paraprofessionals Grant Program are: 1) to recruit, train, retain and expand the paraprofessional workforce to meet the employment needs of the community with a particular...
To support research projects that will produce policy-relevant new knowledge about the implementation and consequences o HUD’s Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD), which allows proven financing tools to be applied to at-risk public and assisted...
To support Surveys, Studies, Research, Investigations, Demonstrations and Special Purpose assistance for community based environmental health efforts relating to the causes, effects (including health and welfare effects), extent, prevention, and...
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (Innovation Center), is interested in testing new care and payment models that have the potential to improve perinatal outcomes for women enrolled in...
The purpose of the coordinating center for interprofessional education and collaborative practice (CC-IPECP) is to provide an infrastructure for leadership, expertise, and support to enhance the coordination and capacity building of IPECP among...
Basic Research, Educational Outreach, or Training Opportunities in the area of Office of Inspector General.
Office of Inspector General funds (Treasury Account Symbol = 80-0109-0-1-252) will be used to fund NASA Federal Financial...
ADRCs are designed to serve as “visible and trusted” sources where people can turn to for objective information on their long-term services and support options and their Medicare benefits. These programs also provide “one-on-one” counseling...
To encourage and promote "cutting edge" innovation in the field of Agriscience.
The Life Sciences Awards are designed to encourage and promote “cutting edge” innovation in the field of life sciences. Monetary Awards will be presented to a scientist; a high school educator; and two high school students.
To conduct research in topics related to nonfuel mineral resources in order to (1) understand fundamental Earth processes forming mineral resources, (2) understand the environmental behavior of mineral resources and their waste products, (3) provide...
The National Health Service Corp (NHSC) Loan Repayment Program’s objective is to increase the supply of primary care physicians, dentists, dental hygienists, behavioral and mental health professionals, certified nurse midwives, primary care nurse...
In 2010, ARRA Primary Care Training and Enhancement Grants were awarded for the following purposes: (1) Academic Administrative Units in Primary Care-- to establish, maintain, or improve academic administrative units (which may be departments,...
To support competitive subgrants to local educational agencies (LEAs) that demonstrate the greatest need for the funds and the strongest commitment to use the funds to provide adequate resources to raise substantially the achievement of students in...
Fellowships are offered by the Smithsonian Institution to provide opportunities for graduate students, predoctoral students, and postdoctoral and senior investigators to conduct research in association with members of the Smithsonian professional...
To improve the academic achievement of students in mathematics and science by encouraging States, institutions of higher education (IHEs), local educational agencies (LEAs), and elementary and secondary schools to participate in programs that:...
The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars was established by Congress to symbolize and strengthen "the fruitful relationship between the world of learning and the world of public affairs." It aims, in a strictly nonpartisan...
To award grants to State educational agencies, local educational agencies, and national nonprofit educational organizations with expertise in advanced placement services to support State and local efforts to increase access to advanced placement...
Prior to FY2013, this programs objectives included to ensure a continuing and adequate supply of well-trained scientists who are able to conduct research on mental health problems. The program provides training grants to institutions and fellowships...
To promote "Aviation Knowledge through Education"; create a public awareness of the need to promote the development and enhancement of education in aviation; establish a civil aviation information distribution program within each region and center...
To reimburse institutions for their share of loans canceled for Perkins Loan recipients who enter certain fields of public service and to restore to institutional revolving funds the full amounts of Direct and Federal Perkins Loans canceled for...
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care act, Public Law 111-148, amended the PHS Act, Section 751, Area Health Education Centers. The required program activities in the amended legislation embrace the following goals to: (1) educate and train...
To guarantee that future teachers are proficient in the new learning technologies they will find in their twenty-first century schools, teacher preparation programs are encouraged to form partnerships that will insure that teachers have mastered the...
To provide financial assistance to U.S. undergraduates to pursue study abroad.
The goal of this program is to provide or improve access to health care in rural areas. Specifically, projects funded under this authority shall be designed to: (a) Use new and innovative methods to train health care practitioners to provide...