The SCIRP Investigator-Initiated Research Award mechanism was first offered in FY09. Since then, 211 Investigator-Initiated Research Award applications have been received, and 47 have been recommended for funding. The SCIRP Investigator-Initiated Research Award is intended to support studies that have the potential to make an important contribution to SCI research and/or patient care. Important aspects of this award mechanism include: Impact: Applications should articulate both the short- and long-term impact of the proposed research. Projects should address an FY14 Area of Encouragement or other research areas relevant to SCI. Military Relevance: Projects should impact spinal cord injured military Service Members, Veterans, and/or their family members, as well as their caregivers. All applications must specifically and clearly address the military relevance of the proposed research project. Collaboration with military researchers and clinicians is encouraged. Preliminary Data: Observations that drive a research idea may be derived from laboratory discovery, population-based studies, a clinicianÂ’s first-hand knowledge of patients, or anecdotal data. Applications must include preliminary and/or published data that is relevant to SCI and the proposed research project. Investigator-Initiated Research Award applications may focus on any phase of research from basic through translational, including preclinical studies in animal models or human subjects, as well as correlative studies associated with an existing clinical trial. Clinical trials are not allowed under this funding opportunity. Optional Qualified Collaborator: The FY14 SCIRP strongly encourages multidisciplinary collaborations among academic scientists and clinicians, industry scientists, the military Services, the VA, and other federal Government agencies. Collaborations with early-career investigators in the SCI field are encouraged. Although more than one collaborator may participate in the application, only one may be named for this option. The Principal Investigator (PI) must submit a Statement of Collaboration that clearly identifies the collaborating investigator and addresses how each of the criteria listed below are met. Additionally, the collaborator must provide a biographical sketch (see Section II.C.3, Research & Related Senior/Key Person Profile) and a letter of collaboration (see Section II.C.2, Attachment 8, Statement of Collaboration) describing his/her involvement in the proposed research project. It should be clear that the success of the proposed research project depends on the complementary skills and contributions of both the PI and collaborator. The collaborator must significantly contribute to the proposed research project such that it could not be accomplished without his/her involvement. ○ A proposed research project in which the collaborator merely supplies tissue samples or access to patients will not meet the intent and will not be qualified for the higher level of funding. ○ At least a 10% level of effort is required of the collaborator. Contribution of the collaborator should be reflected in the applicationÂ’s budget. The collaborator must be in a position with freedom to pursue independent research goals without formal mentorship.