The PRMRP Investigator-Initiated Research Award is intended to support studies that will make an important contribution toward research and/or patient care for a disease or condition related to at least one of the Congressionally directed FY15 PRMRP Topic Areas. The rationale for a research idea may be derived from a laboratory discovery, population-based studies, a clinicianâ₏™s first-hand knowledge of patients, or anecdotal data. Applications must include relevant data that support the rationale for the proposed study. These data may be unpublished or from the published literature. Impact: The Investigator-Initiated Research Award is designed to support research with the potential to yield highly impactful data that could lead to critical discoveries or major advancements. It is the responsibility of the Principal Investigator (PI) to clearly articulate the projectâ₏™s potential immediate and long-range outcome(s)/product(s) (intellectual and/or material) and how they will impact a central critical problem or question in the field of research and/or patient care in the FY15 PRMRP Topic Area(s) addressed.