This is NOT a request for applications - it is an announcement that an award has already been given to SUNY for their work to develop treatment recommendations for cultural landscape of NPS battlefields. To that end, SUNY will do the following: Preliminary treatment objectives include the following • Enhance battlefield identity and wayfinding • Expand system of pedestrian interpretive trails and trailhead parking • Realign existing trails to enhance interpretation • Address pedestrian crossing of Route 3 at Stuart Drive • Connect Jackson Flank Attack to Chancellorsville visitor center • Address design of existing parking areas • Screen intrusive development • Enhance Civil War-era patterns of field and forest • Enhance visibility of unfinished railroad • Enhance interpretation of Chancellorsville house site • Address long-term removal of Chancellorsville visitor center; identify appropriate new location for a visitor center • Calm traffic on park roads • Provide universal accessibility to primary resources • Preserve historic park infrastructure Concept development • Describe landscape treatment issues • Define a preliminary treatment philosophy • Identify goals and objectives • Develop a broad range of conceptual treatment solutions Treatment plan • Develop summary of findings from Phase I (site history, existing conditions, analysis and evaluation). • Establish a framework for treatment of the cultural landscape that addresses past and current management goals, and defines a treatment philosophy to guide future treatment. • Describe treatment issues and provide treatment general guidelines applicable site-wide. • Provide narrative and graphic recommendations for treatment tasks based on the goal of preserving the significant characteristics and features that contribute to the historic character of the landscape, consistent with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties and NPS 28 Cultural Resource Management Guideline. • Develop graphic treatment plans that locate and identify each of the recommended treatment tasks.