Department of the Air Force, Research Lab Federal Grants
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1-21 of 21 for Department of the Air Force, Research Lab federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Department of the Air Force, Research Lab federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.
The 711th Human Performance Wing intends to solicit White Papers under this announcement for Aerospace Medicine, Human Performance Research, and Expeditionary Medicine for innovative and state-of-the-art research to enhance the following fields...
This is a 5 year, open BAA. The AFRL Directed Energy Directorate (RD) and Space Vehicles Directorate (RV) are interested in receiving proposals under this announcement in order to establish university Cooperative Agreements (CA) to provide funds to...
The Composite Airframe Life Extension (CALE) program will concentrate on identifying, developing, demonstrating and validating technology that will allow USAF airframe structural integrity managers to safely extend the certified service lives of...
The Air Force Research Laboratories and 711th Human Performance Wing are soliciting white papers (and later technical and cost proposals) on the following research effort. This is an open ended BAA. The closing date for submission of White Papers...
This BAA employs the Sense-Assess-Augment paradigm to accelerate research and development of technologies capable of detecting/assessing human performance. This BAA focuses on identifying, developing, characterizing, and accelerating sensing...
Open innovation is a methodology to capitalize on diverse, often non-traditional talents and insights, wherever they reside, to solve problems. Commercial industry has proven open innovation to be an effective and efficient mechanism to overcome...
Air Force Research Laboratory, Materials & Manufacturing Directorate is soliciting white papers and potentially technical and cost proposals under this announcement that supports the needs of its Manufacturing and Technology mission. Manufacturing...
AFRL/RV is seeking U.S. and U.S. Territory universities/colleges to propose grants for space-based basic and applied research that are of interest to the Department of Defense (DoD). Specifically, the objective is to encourage studentsÂ’ and...
The Title III program has identified 3D High Density Microelectronics for Information Protection as a technology area of interest for its future activities, and interested firms are encouraged to determine if they have information pertaining to this...
The objective of this BAA is to invite proposals from school districts within a 15 mile radius of Wright Patterson AFB that can assist STARBASE Wright-Patt. STARBASE is a DOD program that serves the local community youth by offering students an ...
The purpose of this program is to investigate and evaluate advanced fuels and fuel technologies, fuel system component development, advanced combustor and augmentor designs, advanced fuel properties measurements, fuel system component development...
The DPA Title III objective of the Phase 1 effort is the development and production of an affordable and reliable modular, Next Generation Star Tracker Systems (NGSTS) that uses advanced domestically-produced Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor...
This Title III project shall help maintain and expand domestic production capability of thick Navy-grade steel plate used in the construction of Navy submarines and aircraft carriers. In addition to ensuring the aforementioned critical capability,...
The primary goal of the Bioeffects Assessments to Prevent Airman Degradation and for Augmenting Performance (BAPADAP) Program is for the recipient to research and develop new technologies and capabilities in three major Air Force program areas 1)...
The objective of the Aircraft Drag Reduction Program will be to mature and transition technologies to reduce the fuel burn of legacy and future fleet aircraft by employing engineered surfaces, materials, and coatings (ESMC). Aircraft drag reduction...
Air Force Research Laboratory's Aerospace Systems Directorate seeks to identify potential sources for a 7-year, $70M cooperative agreement follow-on procurement to the existing effort "Fuels and Combustion Technologies for Aerospace Propulsion."
This Title III project shall help establish a “digital factory” for the domestic production of solid rocket motors utilized by the Missile Defense Agency to support projects such as Standard Missile–3, Block IB and IIIA as well as...
The purpose of this study is to conduct technical, business, marketing and programmatic analysis of the market for a Next Generation Star Tracker System. Specifically, the Title III Program Office is interested in determining the feasibility of...
NOTE: This replaces the referenced number: BAA-RQKSE-2013-02, published in FBO on 9/11/2012). The Air Force Research Laboratory, Sensors Directorate (AFRL/RY) and the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) seek applicants to provide a...
The National Defense Appropriation Act (NDAA) for FY2011, Section 1073, provided the Department of Defense (DoD) with the authorities to facilitate the rapid insertion of innovative technologies into military systems or programs meeting critical...
The goal of this project is to establish one or more complete domestic value chains capable of producing drop-in replacement biofuels. This includes feedstock production and logistics, conversion facilities (Integrated Biorefineries), and fuel...