The Aha Quin Resort, located along the Colorado River, is owned and operated by CRIT. In 1983 the Colorado River overflowed its banks and changed course at Aha Quin. As a result, Reclamation dredged a channel from the River to the Aha Quin Resort to restore water access to residents in this area as part of the Parker II Mitigation plan. As a means to provide sufficient river flows to the backwater channel, Reclamation installed a backwater conveyance channel and culvert. Since initial installation of these features, they have become severely sediment plugged and are now nearing failure. As the Tribe maintains numerous buildings and business operations in the Hall Island area, including an airstrip with hangers, a storage yard, multiple storage units, a boat launch ramp for river access, fuel tanks & a refueling facility, a restaurant & convenience store, and a community park with public restrooms – it is paramount this culver be replaced or access to the area could become problematic.