The objective of this FOA is to invite eligible applicants to submit proposals that, with the financial assistance, will facilitate the development of fish habitat improvement projects in the Grande Ronde Sub-basin. Eligible applicants will assist Reclamation by developing potential habitat improvement, flow and access projects in the Grande Ronde Sub-basin, developing fish habitat projects with local constituents, defining the projects for further consideration by Reclamation and other interested parties, compiling available data and previous work, and coordinating with landowner(s) to determine their willingness to participate. The Grande Ronde Sub-basin is defined as the main stem Grande Ronde River and major tributaries upstream of Elgin, Oregon. Currently in the Grande Ronde Sub-basin, there are many fisheries habitat improvement projects that have been constructed or are in the process of being implemented, in addition to a comprehensive strategy used to identify and prioritize those actions through the Atlas process that are most likely to benefit the target species, (steelhead and spring/summer Chinook salmon), at a population scale.