US Geological Survey is offering a funding opportunity to a CESU partner for a project that is focused on establishing a statewide framework to improve the mapping and stewardship of the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) in Alaska. This is important in Alaska because, overall, the NHD is out of date and contains a variety of errors. This project will significantly improve the NHD content and stewardship in Alaska through the creation of a statewide system (Alaska Hydrography Database, or, AK Hydro) for making updates accessible, affordable and coordinated by building on an existing and proven regional system, Southeast Alaska Hydrography Database, or SEAK Hydro. AK Hydro will advance the NHD toward meeting national mapping standards consistent with those in the Lower 48, including both a 1:25,000 scale NHD and NHDPlus dataset. This framework will allow agencies and organizations to greatly improve their hydrography mapping data, as well as consume and uplift project level hydrography data that would not otherwise be incorporated. This project also funds a statewide hydrography mapping coordinator position to synchronize updates and guide hydrography mapping development.