The Concrete Preservation Institute (CPI) is partnering with the National Park Service (NPS), and professional partners in a program of assessment, research, training, stabilization, and surface repair on Alcatraz Island and throughout the Golden Gate National Recreation Area (GGNRA) starting in the summer of 2014 for three years. The program engages teams of participants including university students, military veterans, and high school graduates working during the year in three 10 to 12 week sessions. The participants will be led by an experienced CPI team leader who will report directly to the CPI Job Site Supervisor who will be onsite at all times. All work will be coordinated and guided by GGNRA. The collaboratively-developed work plan will focus on the preservation of small to medium scale concrete features. The experience will expose students to the NPS by merging knowledge of historic preservation and the Secretary of Interior Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties with the concrete industry. A goal of this collaboration is to encourage youth to become future NPS professionals. This cooperative partnership will focus on the stewardship of park cultural resources which will have a mutually beneficial impact on the visitor experience. The project scope includes ¿Mentoring Days¿ in which CPI students serve as mentors for high school volunteer groups working on other projects within GGNRA thus encouraging the next generation to attend college and consider similar fields of study. Phase 1 (starting in the summer of 2014) is being funded as part of this initial Task Agreement (TA), and will focus on repairs to the west wall of the Powerhouse; the concrete railings behind Building 64; and, the concrete posts and handrails on the stairs leading to the Recreation Yard on Alcatraz. Future phases will be added through modifications to this TA and are dependent upon need, successful completion of previous phases, and availability of funding.