The Office of Basic Energy Sciences (BES) of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announces its interest in receiving applications in Computational Materials Sciences proposing integrated, multidisciplinary teams that will perform research to develop validated community codes and data bases for predictive design of functional materials, excluding structural materials. Computational Materials Sciences Teams could also involve new approaches to enhance the use of large data sets derived from advanced characterization of materials, materials synthesis, processing, and properties assessments and the parallel data that are generated by large scale computational efforts that model materials phenomena. Computational Materials Sciences will support the Materials Genome Initiative for Global Competitiveness (MGI) that was announced by the President in June 2011. The goal of the MGI is to reduce the time from discovery to deployment of new materials by a factor of two and is tied to advancement of American manufacturing capability. This funding opportunity continues the BES commitment to the MGI and the development of open source codes that can take full advantage of todayâ₏™s petascale and future exascale leadership computing facilities.