Communicable Diseases Education Federal Grants

Showing results 1-13 of 13 for Communicable Diseases Education federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Communicable Diseases Education federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Occupational Safety and Health Susan Harwood Training Grants
To provide occupational safety and health training and education to employees and employers, particularly in the recognition, avoidance and abatement of workplace hazards.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) Prevention and Control Grants
The purpose of the assistance is to strengthen STD prevention programs in eligible jurisdictions. Project grants awarded under Section 318 to State and local health departments, academic and public health organizations emphasize the development and...

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) Provider Education Grants
The purpose of the assistance is to fund academic institutions and clinical and public health training organizations to develop, deliver and evaluate training, and educational and clinical skills improvement activities for health care professionals...

Special Education-Grants for Infants and Families
To provide grants to States to assist them to implement and maintain a Statewide, comprehensive, coordinated, multidisciplinary, interagency system to make available early intervention services to infants and toddlers with disabilities and their...

Special Education Grants to States
To provide grants to States to assist them in providing special education and related services to all children with disabilities.

Research in Special Education
To support scientifically rigorous research contributing to the solution of specific early intervention and education problems associated with children with disabilities.

Special Education - State Personnel Development
To assist State educational agencies in reforming and improving their systems for personnel preparation and professional development in early intervention, educational and transition services, to improve results for children with disabilities. As...

Special Education Studies and Evaluations
To assess progress in implementing the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, including State and local efforts to provide (1) Free appropriate public education to children with disabilities; and (2) early intervention services to infants and...

Grants to Provide Outpatient Early Intervention Services with Respect to HIV Disease
The purpose of the RWHAP Part C Early Intervention Services Program (EIS) funding is to provide comprehensive HIV primary care and support services in an outpatient setting for low income people with HIV. This includes: 1) counseling for individuals...

Immunization Research, Demonstration, Public Information and Education Training and Clinical Skills Improvement Projects
To assist states, political subdivisions of states, and other public and private nonprofit entities to conduct research, demonstration projects, and provide public information on vaccine-preventable diseases and conditions.

Administrative Cost Grants for Indian Schools
To provide grants to tribes and tribal organizations operating schools for the purpose of paying administrative and indirect costs.

Family and Community Violence Prevention Program
Support interventions that employ a public health approach to provide critical life skills development, academic skills, career advisement, and mentoring. Support interventions that integrate violence prevention and crime reduction models with...

Assistance for Indian Children with Severe Disabilities
To provide for the special education and related services of Indian children with severe disabilities.


Federal Grants Resources