Climate and Earth System Modeling is part of the Climate and Environmental Sciences Division (CESD) of the U.S. Department of Energy?s Office of Biological and Environmental Research (BER). The Climate and Earth System Modeling programs seek to develop and analyze high fidelity community models representing Earth and climate system variability and change, with a significant focus on the response of systems to natural and anthropogenic forcing. As the first of two programs in Climate and Earth System Modeling that participate in this FOA, the Earth System Modeling (ESM) Program seeks to advance computational, dynamical, and biogeophysical representations of the Earth system and its components, and to calibrate, test and assess predictive capabilities using uncertainty quantification methodologies. The second program participating in this FOA, the Regional and Global Climate Modeling (RGCM) Program, seeks to enhance the predictive understanding of the Earth system by analyzing the natural and anthropogenic components of global and regional Earth system models. The use of model simulations in combination with observations enables a deeper understanding of climate variability and change. The ESM and RGCM programs are thus complementary, with ESM focused mainly on climate model development, and RGCM focused mainly on climate system analysis. Both modeling programs collaborate and coordinate with the Terrestrial Ecosystem Science (TES) and Atmospheric System Research (ASR) programs, by utilizing TES and ASR process research activities to inform model development, and by using model simulations to identify where further process research is required in atmospheric and terrestrial systems.