Capt. John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Trail and Chesapeake Bay Gateways and Watertrails Network
This is NOT a solicitation for applications. This is an announcement that the Chesapeake Conservacy, Inc. has been awarded funding for their work on the Capt. John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Trail and Chesapeake Bay Gateways and Watertrails Network. Specifically, they will: 1. Perform tasks and provide deliverables as identified in thei Work Plan. The Conservancy and the National Park Service will jointly develop project specific detailed work plans for each item in the overall work plan. 2. Support overall trail management and coordination by providing advice and support in the execution of the Captain John Smith Chesapeake NHT comprehensive management plan. 3. Support development and implementation of trail-related communications, including development of digital media, content, events calendar, site data updates, and Bay Journeys. 4. Support trail interpretation, including development of an interpretive guide training program (subject to a modification to provide additional funds) and development of a mobile interpretive station. 5. Support and coordinate trail conservation and planning, including implementation of the trail conservation strategy on high potential route segments, development of mapping products related to Indigenous Cultural Landscapes, providing GIS support, and assisting with segment planning as the NPSÂ’s land protection strategy partner. 6. Support collaborative large landscape conservation efforts through co-convening and staffing the Chesapeake Large Landscape Conservation Partnership and co-sponsoring land trust meetings in Chesapeake watershed states. The partnership, a consortium of federal and state agencies and non-governmental organizations, has been convened by NPS and the Conservancy since 2010 to support collaboration on landscape conservation. 7. Select and provide a full-time intern under contract working in NPS offices to assist in carrying out the tasks in this agreement.
General information about this opportunity
Last Known Status
Deleted 07/29/2014 (Archived.)
Program Number
Federal Agency/Office
Agency: Department of the Interior
Office: National Park Service
Type(s) of Assistance Offered
Cooperative Agreement
Number of Awards Available
Other Categories
This is NOT a solicitation for applications. This is an announcement that the Chesapeake Conservacy, Inc. has been awarded funding for their work on the Capt. John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Trail and Chesapeake Bay Gateways and Watertrails Network. Specifically, they will: 1. Perform tasks and provide deliverables as identified in thei Work Plan. The Conservancy and the National Park Service will jointly develop project specific detailed work plans for each item in the overall work plan. 2. Support overall trail management and coordination by providing advice and support in the execution of the Captain John Smith Chesapeake NHT comprehensive management plan. 3. Support development and implementation of trail-related communications, including development of digital media, content, events calendar, site data updates, and Bay Journeys. 4. Support trail interpretation, including development of an interpretive guide training program (subject to a modification to provide additional funds) and development of a mobile interpretive station. 5. Support and coordinate trail conservation and planning, including implementation of the trail conservation strategy on high potential route segments, development of mapping products related to Indigenous Cultural Landscapes, providing GIS support, and assisting with segment planning as the NPSÂ’s land protection strategy partner. 6. Support collaborative large landscape conservation efforts through co-convening and staffing the Chesapeake Large Landscape Conservation Partnership and co-sponsoring land trust meetings in Chesapeake watershed states. The partnership, a consortium of federal and state agencies and non-governmental organizations, has been convened by NPS and the Conservancy since 2010 to support collaboration on landscape conservation. 7. Select and provide a full-time intern under contract working in NPS offices to assist in carrying out the tasks in this agreement.
Who is eligible to apply/benefit from this assistance?
Applicant Eligibility
This is NOT a solicitation for applications. This is an announcement that the Chesapeake Conservacy, Inc. has been awarded funding for their work on the Capt. John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Trail and Chesapeake Bay Gateways and Watertrails Network. Specifically, they will: 1. Perform tasks and provide deliverables as identified in thei Work Plan. The Conservancy and the National Park Service will jointly develop project specific detailed work plans for each item in the overall work plan. 2. Support overall trail management and coordination by providing advice and support in the execution of the Captain John Smith Chesapeake NHT comprehensive management plan. 3. Support development and implementation of trail-related communications, including development of digital media, content, events calendar, site data updates, and Bay Journeys. 4. Support trail interpretation, including development of an interpretive guide training program (subject to a modification to provide additional funds) and development of a mobile interpretive station. 5. Support and coordinate trail conservation and planning, including implementation of the trail conservation strategy on high potential route segments, development of mapping products related to Indigenous Cultural Landscapes, providing GIS support, and assisting with segment planning as the NPSÂ’s land protection strategy partner. 6. Support collaborative large landscape conservation efforts through co-convening and staffing the Chesapeake Large Landscape Conservation Partnership and co-sponsoring land trust meetings in Chesapeake watershed states. The partnership, a consortium of federal and state agencies and non-governmental organizations, has been convened by NPS and the Conservancy since 2010 to support collaboration on landscape conservation. 7. Select and provide a full-time intern under contract working in NPS offices to assist in carrying out the tasks in this agreement.
What is the process for applying and being award this assistance?
Application Procedure
This is NOT a solicitation for applications. This is an announcement that the Chesapeake Conservacy, Inc. has been awarded funding for their work on the Capt. John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Trail and Chesapeake Bay Gateways and Watertrails N
Other Assistance Considerations
Formula and Matching Requirements
This program does not have cost sharing or matching requirements.
Who do I contact about this opportunity?
Headquarters Office
Keith Zotti
Partnership Program Specialist
Phone 2155979153
E-mail Address
Financial Information
Range and Average of Financial Assistance
Awards range from $492,701.00 to $492,701.00