This project is intended to provide an opportunity for an academic or non-profit research institution to provide guidance to BLM GSENM to improve the scientific basis for decision-making by integrating historical land health data with data to be collected through the BLM Assessment, Inventory and Monitoring AIM strategy. The AIM strategy is intended to increase the ability of monitoring and assessment data to support decision-making through improved probabilistic sampling design and standardized inventory, assessment and monitoring methodologies. Historical data provides baseline. It is critical that the baseline represented by these historical data, whether collected using a probabilistic or non-probabilistic sampling design, remain useful in evaluating land health. The proposed project will benefit the public by helping the potential recipient (likely an academic or non-profit research institution under the Colorado Plateau Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit) fulfill their public service mission(s). It will further benefit the public by helping the agency meet strategic goals to protect and manage public lands, including: furthering the Monument Proclamation direction to protect the area for scientific study; strengthening Monument Management Plan decisions pertaining to land health; implementing NLCS Science Strategy Objective 1 to promote scientific study within NLCS units, NLCS 15-year Strategy Goal 1B to Expand understanding of the NLCS values through assessment, inventory, and monitoring (which is also a Utah BLM NLCS Strategy goal), and Strategy Goal 1C to Provide a scientific foundation for decision-making.