Over the past 20 years, the Medford District of the BLM has supported collaborative efforts to conserve native plants in SW Oregon with a variety of agencies and organizations. Projects have focused on studying long-term population trends, assessing population viability, and investigating reintroduction techniques for rare plant species. Specific projects currently underway include long-term studies conducting a threat assessment of Limnanthes pumila ssp. pumila in the Table Rocks Area of Critical Environmental Concern (ACEC), population monitoring of Fritillaria gentneri, demographic monitoring of Lomatium cookii in the Illinois Valley, and developing Lomatium cookii reintroduction techniques. Through this cooperative agreement, the Medford District seeks a qualified partner to continue these projects, and similar efforts for other rare botanical species to conserve the natural heritage of SW Oregon. The principal objective of this project is to study, conserve, and restore native plants and natural communities in SW Oregon. This program is to gain an understanding of the viability of rare plant species and how they respond to management actions and stressors, including climate change. Focal species will include federally listed and state listed vascular plants.