Background: Counts of sage-grouse (primarily males) attending leks provides a measure of population trend over time and serves as the basis for making annual minimum population estimates. On average, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) with assistance from Oregon BLM annually surveys 36 percent of 733 known lek complexes in Oregon. Leks in remote areas or with other access issues are under-surveyed. The ODFW has identified the need to monitor sage-grouse population trends and to develop a more efficient method for estimating population size, especially for regions where only a subsample of leks can be monitored (2011 Greater Sage-Grouse Conservation Assessment and Strategy for Oregon). More complete and accurate population data will contribute to improved habitat management for sage-grouse in eastern Oregon. Objectives: The recipient and BLM will collaborate to: Survey a statistically valid sample of leks/complexes to achieve a minimum annual survey of two trend leks/complexes per stratum per Oregon PAC (Priority Area for Conservation), Evaluate and incorporate where appropriate new survey methodology (e.g., transect, infrared surveys) with current sage-grouse data, Annually assess the BLM's adaptive management triggers for sage-grouse population.