Background: The Bureau of Land Management has been working in conjunction with the US Forest Service's Fire Adapted Communities program, working through a partnership with the Watershed Research & Training Center and The Nature Conservancy's Fire Learning Network for a Washington State Fire Adapted Communities Learning Network. The project partners have adapted the Fire Learning Network model, in coordination with the existing Fire Adapted Communities Coalition and others, to accelerate the growth of Fire Adapted Communities across Washington State. Objectives: The objective of this project is to fund interagency fire prevention and all-hazard public education/mitigation geared around the National Wildland Cohesive Strategy by expanding the National Fire Adapted Communities Learning Network and Prescribed Fire Council in Washington. The recipient shall convene national and state workshops, aggregate learning, and share across regions and with Bureau of Land Management program leaders, FAC Coalition members and other partners to aid in adapting programs and strategies over time. These collective efforts will promote collaboration among local, state, tribal, and federal partners at the community level and beyond, creating a multi-scalar network and accelerating the growth of fire adapted communities.