BLM OR/WA - Juniper Dunes Area Access Road Design and Construction
This announcement is for a continuation of an existing agreement. The objective of this project is to acquire the necessary easements, design and construct a public road, to Franklin County's road standards, for legal public access to this very popular recreation area. The route of the 4.2 mile long access road will follow the approved route that is described in U.S. DOT Federal Highway Administration's FONSI and Decision Record (WA Franklin 2013-1) for the Juniper Dunes Access Road Environmental Assessment. This project will provide a portion of the funds that are needed to design, purchase the right-of-way, and construct the road to county standards.
General information about this opportunity
Last Known Status
Program Number
Federal Agency/Office
Agency: Department of the Interior
Office: Bureau of Land Management
Type(s) of Assistance Offered
Cooperative Agreement
Number of Awards Available
What is the process for applying and being award this assistance?
Other Assistance Considerations
Formula and Matching Requirements
This program does not have cost sharing or matching requirements.
Who do I contact about this opportunity?
Headquarters Office
Jessica Clark (503) 808-6226
Website Address
E-mail Address
Financial Information
Range and Average of Financial Assistance
Awards range from $1.00 to $550,000.00