Background: Bird population data and analysis is used to update the list of birds of conservation concern as required by the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act of 1980, as amended. This list of birds of concern is used to identify bird species that, without further conservation actions, may become candidates for listing under the endangered species act. Grassland birds that winter in Mexico (and breed on BLM), are some of those species that are at risk because of the loss or risk to loss of habitat in wintering grounds. Objectives: Data collection and synthesis of bird population data is used to enhance wildlife conservation and land use planning efforts and regional assessment efforts by partners (State Agencies, other Federal agencies, and NGOs) and to enhance Land Use Plans and Healthy Lands Initiative products for public resource enjoyment and management. Full life cycle needs of grassland birds will be specifically addressed because of the BLM breeding ground use and the current high risks to the birds in wintering grounds. Public Benefit: The principal purpose of this proposed agreement supports or stimulates a public purpose through providing the most current state of knowledge on bird conservation and meeting the time-sensitive demands of the nation's bird conservation interests which access the results of the database on a daily basis. Conservation of birds at risk helps decrease the cost to the public of listings under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and supports the public benefit of bird watching through maintaining an economically viable recreational activity.