For the past several years, BLM National Historic Oregon Trail Interpretive Center (NHOTIC) has worked with Trail Tenders, Inc., a non-profit organization with a mission that includes preservation and education about the Oregon Trail, to further their goals while assisting the NHOTIC service to visitors and interpretive educational programs. The project has mutual benefits to expand outreach; the numbers of programs presented, and pursue recruitment, training and management of new volunteers interested in preservation and education of historic trails and natural resources. The project provides for regular, high quality interpretive programs and educational programs for recreational visitors and educational groups at the National Historic Oregon Trail Interpretive Center. The project provides greater scope and impact for interpretation, and for recruitment and training of volunteers who serve the public at this facility. It provides additional outreach to the general public to inform them about opportunities for recreation and heritage education on public lands managed by BLM. The objective of this program is to provide site mission appropriate interpretive and education programs and events for the general public and school groups, outreach for educational programs and regional heritage related tourism, and customer service at the National Historic Oregon Trail Interpretive Center in Baker City, Oregon.