The Pink Sand Verbena, Abronia umbellata ssp. breviflora, is listed as an endangered species by the State of Oregon, is considered a Species of Concern by USFWS, and is a BLM Sensitive Species. Historically, this species was known from beaches along the Pacific Coast from Vancouver Island (British Columbia) to northern California. Invasion by introduced European beach grass (Ammophila arenaria) and disturbance by off-road vehicles have contributed to the steep decline in the number of pink sand-verbena; currently there are only about ten populations of pink sand-verbena in Oregon. Seed collected from the Coos Bay, Oregon, North Spit ACEC is currently the only seed source available in sufficient quantities for restoration efforts of the species throughout the state. Repeated seedings at Coos Bay North Spit since 1997 have resulted in the largest population of pink sand verbena in Oregon. The objective of this project is to continue to collect seeds of Abronia umbellata ssp. Breviflora, Pink Sand-verbena; continue to re-introduce large numbers of Pink Sand Verbena into suitable coastal habitat and to monitor the establishment rates of the introduced populations.