The Medford District and the partner organization will work together to provide opportunities for youth in natural resources management, engineering, physical sciences, and related areas. This support will help both the BLM and the partner organization meet objectives of providing work and training experiences for youth. Youth in this program will gain experience in one or more fields, such as fisheries management, agriculture, hydrology/water quality, forestry/silviculture, and invasive species, range, and recreation management. Students will have opportunities to gain technical, project management, project design, partnership building, monitoring, and project implementation skills. This program will provide students opportunities for employment, service learning, and school credits (depending on support of the local school systems). The program will be implemented in conformance with OR State Board of Education goals. Project funds will be used for reimbursing youth for hours worked, administration/overhead, travel for youth, and other related program expenses including tools and personal protective equipment.