Background: The focus of this project support will be to improve the conditions of, and restore where possible, riparian areas on public lands in a prairie landscape. Projects may be extended to private lands as well where opportunities allow. In some places, changes to grazing management alone is not sufficient to affect a positive change in riparian areas that have been degraded by past, upstream or downstream management practices. This project may include construction of temporary or permanent exclosures, planting of native vegetation, and modification, or repair of old or defunct pits and reservoirs. This would complement current grazing practices and increases of pipelines for stock tanks that provide a reliable source of water for livestock while decreasing livestock presence and impact on other water developments and riparian areas. The project would improve habitat for wildlife, including BLM special status species, through stabilization, improvement, and restoration of habitat. Objectives: Stabilize riparian areas and improve conditions of degraded riparian areas to provide better quality habitat for wildlife. Actions will take place primarily on public lands, but may include private lands where landowner cooperation can be obtained. Public Benefit: This project will improve riparian conditions, habitats for wildlife, and may contribute to upland range health. Hunters and other users of wildlife resources will benefit from wildlife responses to improved habitat conditions.