BLM will work cooperatively with Humboldt State University to monitor wildlife but not limited to including threatened and endangered species collect habitat data and conduct research as appropriate for the species. Additional duties may include habitat restoration and improvement as needed. The population monitoring of the western snowy plover is a critical step in understanding of the status of the species and determining if recovery goals are being met. The project will utilize a principle investigator and graduate students. The implementation of an agreement will allow the BLM to meets is obligations under the Endangered Species Act and the Western Snowy Plover Recovery Plan while providing educational/mentoring opportunities. BLM is committed to implementation recovery actions for listed species at South Spit as a result of the South Spit Management Plan and Biological Opinion issued by the US Fish and Wildlife Service. The habitat improvement portion of the recovery actions has been largely implemented by the BLM. Population and demography monitoring has been done under a contract in years past.