This is an announcement for issuing a single source financial assistance award to the Rhode Island Chapter of The Nature Conservancy. This announcement is for notification purposes only. The intent of the award is to restore connectivity, enhance fish passage and reduce the risk of flooding during future storm events at three dam sites on the lower Pawcatuck River in Washington County, RI and adjacent New London County, CT. The initial phase will be to complete the analysis of site conditions, including but not limited to sediment characterizations, wetland assessment, bathymetry profiles, topographic surveys and modeling to evaluate the feasibility of dam removal for the White Rock, Bradford and Potter Hill dams. This will be followed immediately by design, permitting and construction at White Rock and Bradford. Potter Hill will also proceed to the extent that funding allows, and at a minimum is expected to proceed through design and permitting. This award is issued to provide financial assistance to collaboratively-developed priority projects in Hurricane Sandy disaster areas that will restore environmental resources and reduce flood hazards through collaborative efforts with local communities. The project is expected to improve flood resiliency, restore ecosystem function, provide fish and wildlife habitat, provide fish passage, reduce potential flood damage, and increase public safety.