This announcement solicits applications for the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) formula grant program, established by the Affordable Care Act (ACA), to continue the delivery of voluntary early childhood home visiting program services in response to a statewide needs assessment. This program is being undertaken as part of the shared commitment of the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) and the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) to comprehensive family services, coordinated and comprehensive voluntary statewide home visiting programs,[1] and effective implementation of high-quality evidence-based practices. The MIECHV formula grant program is designed to: (1) strengthen and improve the programs and activities carried out under Title V of the Social Security Act; (2) improve coordination of services for at-risk communities; and (3) identify and provide comprehensive services to improve outcomes for families who reside in at-risk communities. The statute reserves the majority of funding for the delivery of services through use of one or more evidence-based home visiting service delivery models.  In addition, it supports continued innovation by allowing up to 25 percent of funding to support service delivery through promising approaches that do not yet qualify as evidence-based models.  Note: To ensure that the required statutory distribution is maintained, HRSA requires that all MIECHV programs demonstrate that they are being delivered in conformity with the approved service delivery models. This fidelity is demonstrated by programs that have the requisite designation and/or approval from a model developer to provide evidence-based home visiting services.  MIECHV-funded programs must maintain the requisite designation and/or approval from the model developer while receiving MIECHV funding. ACA Outreach and enrollment activities are tied to benchmarks 1, 5, and 6 (see MIECHV programs should play a role in implementing the ACA by assisting participants in enrolling in expanded health insurance coverage beginning in 2014, using clinical preventive services and accessing primary health care, and understanding the ACA consumer protections. Working closely with Title V MCH Directors and State Medicaid Directors, MIECHV State Project Directors will ensure that Home Visitors have the state-specific information necessary to connect individuals with Navigators (Federally-facilitated Marketplace) or Non-Navigator Assistance Personnel (State based Marketplace or State Partnership Marketplace) and Certified Application Counselors. These Navigators and Non-Navigator assistance personnel play a vital role in helping consumers prepare electronic and paper applications in order to establish eligibility. This includes steps to help the individual find out if they qualify for insurance affordability programs such as premium tax credits, cost sharing reductions, Medicaid, or CHIP. Certified Application Counselors will provide many of the same tasks as Navigators and Non-Navigator assistance personnel- including educating consumers and helping them complete an application for coverage. [1] A ¿state home visiting program¿ is an overall effort, by the MIECHV grantee, to effectively implement home visiting models (or a single home visiting model) in the state¿s at-risk community(ies) to promote improvements in the benchmark and participant outcome areas as specified in the legislation.