Housing Federal Grants
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1-25 of 244 for Housing federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Housing federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.
To provide funding to non-federal entities that serve noncitizen migrants recently released from DHS custody to temporarily provide shelter, food, transportation, acute medical care, personal hygiene supplies, and labor necessary to manage cases to...
The primary objectives of the IAF Assistance for Programs Overseas in Latin America and the Caribbean program is to: (1) Strengthen the bonds of friendship and understanding among the peoples in the Western Hemisphere; (2) Support self-help efforts...
The Denali Commission is a Federal agency designed to provide funding and partner coordination for critical utilities and infrastructure projects throughout Alaska, particularly in distressed and disadvantaged communities.
The goals of this program are to make awards for the design and management of a new Environmental Justice (EJ) competitive pass-through program where EPA will competitively select pass-through entities to provide grant funds via subawards to...
EPA is providing grants to States, Locals, Federally Recognized Indian Tribal Governments, Native American Organizations, and U.S. Territories and possessions for the planning of and development of ambitious climate action and air pollution...
To provide legal services grants to public and non-profit private entities who will provide legal services to Veterans experiencing homelessness or Veterans at-risk for homelessness.
To provide grants to Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) for the following purposes: 1) to expand lending, grant making and investment activities in Low- or Moderate-Income communities and to borrowers that have historically...
TThe funding provided by Emergency Rental Assistance (ERA) will among other things, assist eligible households that have difficulty making timely payments of rent and utilities due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Division N, Title V, Section 501 of the...
Section 3206 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, (the Act), Pub. L. No. 117-2 (March 11, 2021) established the $9.961 billion Homeowner Assistance Fund (HAF). Under HAF, Treasury is authorized to make payments directly to States (defined to...
Assist federally recognized Tribes in acquiring land consistent with applicable laws and regulations in establishing a Tribal trust land base. The Bureau of Indian Affairs received funding for land acquisition efforts for on and off current...
The objectives of the Youth Homeless System Improvement Grants (YHSIG), HUD will award approximately $25,000,000 to support communities, including but not limited to the communities assisted under the matter preceding this proviso in establishing...
The overall purpose of the Eviction Protection Grant Program is to support experienced legal service providers, not limited to legal service corporations, in providing legal assistance at no cost to low-income tenants at risk of or subject to...
The Green and Resilient Retrofit Program offers loans and grants for HUD-assisted multifamily properties to improve energy or water efficiency, enhance indoor air quality or sustainability, implement the use of zero-emission electricity generation,...
The Homeownership Initiative (HI) helps to bridge the homeownership gap by increasing homeownership rates among historically underserved borrowers. HUD-approved Intermediaries, Multi-State Organizations, and State Housing Finance Agencies will...
PRO (Pathways to Removing Obstacles) to Housing provides competitive grant funds for the identification and removal of barriers to affordable housing production and preservation.
The Community Development Block Grant - Preservation and Reinvestment Initiative for Community Enhancement (CDBG-PRICE) competition provides competitive grant funds to help preserve and revitalize manufactured housing and eligible manufactured...
Provides grants to qualified nonprofits (NP) and public housing authorities (PHA) which will in turn provide technical assistance to RHS MFH borrowers and applicants to facilitate the acquisition of Section 515 properties by NPs and PHAs.
Provide grant funds to qualified private and public nonprofit (NP) agencies to provide technical assistance to other qualified organizations to obtain loans and grants for the construction of domestic and migrant farm labor housing projects.
The primary objectives of the IAF Assistance for Programs Overseas in Latin America and the Caribbean program is to: (1) Strengthen the bonds of friendship and understanding among the peoples in the Western Hemisphere; (2) Support self-help efforts...
The purposes of this program are the following: (1) To improve the lives of families and individuals in need in the United States by funding social programs that achieve real results. (2) To redirect funds away from programs that, based on objective...
According to the FY 17 Appropriations Bill, this program is designed to strengthen tribal communities in Indian country by leveraging programs and resources; to increase the number of single families and veterans assisted; and to address the...
To ensure the proper management, protection, and preservation of cultural resources over which the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) maintains responsibility; furnish secure, short-term housing and care for cultural resources recovered during...
The purpose of the Older Adults Home Modification Grant Program is to enhance local capacity to sustainably operate low-barrier, participant-led programs that address the home modification needs of low-income older persons and their caregivers.
The Tribal HUD-VASH program combines rental assistance from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) with supportive services provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs to Native American Veterans who are homeless or at risk of...
The Lead-Based Paint and Housing-Related Hazards are for Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) to evaluate and reduce lead-based paint and other housing-related hazards including carbon monoxide and mold in public housing, and for other costs associated...